Display The French Pipe

The display The French Pipe is made up of 12 lightweight pipes with small bowl for short smokes (15-20 minutes).  They are equipped with a black acrylic stem and an acrylic band recalling French sailor shirt. These charming briar pipes are compatibles with balsa filter 6mm. The 12 pipe shapes are available in two finish : smooth brown and sandblasted black. 


This display is made up of :

  • 12 different shapes
  • 8 smooth brown pipes and 4 sandblasted black pipes
  • 10 light pipes and 2 short pipes


Each The French Pipe kit contains 1 briar pipe, a cloth case, a pipe tool, a match box and an user guide. 


What a Balsa filter 6mm ? 

Balsa Filters are made in natural balsa wood and are suitable for smoking pipes or cigarette holders with a 6mm bore.

They absorb excess moisture and smoke impurities without affecting the flavor of the tobacco. Their absorption ability is due to the extremely porous fibres of the balsa. They have to be replace after 3-4 smokes for more efficiency.  


Model : Présentoir 12 kits
Advised sale price :
82,50 € all tax. Incl.
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