CHACOM Balsa wood Filters - 9mmSet of 10 packs of 15 filters

9mm Filters


9mm Balsa Filters

10 packs of 15 Balsa wood fiber filters.

These filters are designed for pipes and cigarette holders fitted with 9mm mounts, offering a simple and effective solution to enhance your smoking experience. It is recommended to replace them after 2 to 3 uses for optimal performance.


  • Material: Balsa wood

  • Diameter: 9mm

  • Length: 39mm

  • Recommended replacement: Every 2 to 3 uses


Advantages of Balsa

Balsa, a light and naturally soft wood, is renowned for its exceptional absorption capacity. It efficiently absorbs moisture, tar, and nicotine without altering the flavor of the tobacco, ensuring a cleaner and more enjoyable smoking experience.


This product is packaged in sets of 10 for professionnals. The recommended retail price is for a sachet of 15 filters.

Model : BALSA-9MM
Advised sale price :
4,60 € all tax. Incl.

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