Display of 48 bundles of 44 Cotton Pipe Cleaners - NPLOV



Display of 48 bundles of 44 cotton pipe cleaners - NPLOV

Classic white cotton pipe cleaners designed to remove moisture, tar, and nicotine deposits from the stem and bowl of your pipes.


Regular cleaning of your pipe is essential.This will improve its performance and ensure its longevity.


Usage Instructions: After each use of your pipe, detach the stem once it has cooled (never disassemble a pipe while it’s still hot!).

Insert a pipe cleaner into the stem and bowl to remove moisture, nicotine, and tar.


If you tend to skip cleaning your pipe after each use, it’s better to opt for abrasive pipe cleaners: more gripping, they will be more effective.


  • Display Dimensions: 15.5 cm (W) x 20 cm (D) x 25 cm (H)
  • Length of a pipe cleaner: 15 cm


For professionals: Display of 48 bundles of 44 pipe cleaners.

Model : NPLOV
Advised sale price :
1,30 € all tax. Incl.
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