Display of 20 HYDROSTONE Natural Terracotta Stones


Display of 20 Natural Terracotta Humidifying Stones HYDROSTONE

Practical and clever, the Hydrostone replaces the old carrot our grandfathers used.

Made from 100% natural terracotta, it helps keep tobacco at the right humidity level.


Effectiveness: One stone can hydrate or keep fresh 50 to 100 grams of tobacco.


Usage Instructions: Soak the Hydrostone in water for 5 minutes. Then, place the stone in your tobacco jar or pouch.

Within 15 minutes, thanks to the evaporation effect, you’ll notice your tobacco is moist and pleasant to smoke.

Reusable stone.


Display Dimensions: 10 cm (W) x 11 cm (L) x 9 cm (H)


Hydrostone Size: 5.5 x 3.5 cm
Weight: 12 g

Advised sale price :
1,80 € all tax. Incl.
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